In its simplest terms, online brand protection encompasses all the strategies, tools, and rules established in a business to prevent cybercriminals from abusing your brand in any way…Continue Reading: What is online brand protection? How to protect your brand
brand abuse
Brand abuse: prevention over cure?
Recently, we’ve seen a lot of brands with damaged reputations attempting to rebuild their image. Apologies are issued, responsibility is taken, and promises are made to do better. But wouldn’t it be better for everyone if the trust was never broken in the first place?…Continue Reading: Brand abuse: prevention over cure?
“That’s not my domain!” Whose problem is brand protection?
46% of consumers will pay more for brands they trust. It’s no wonder that brand protection is creeping up the priority lists of global businesses. But whose responsibility is it?…Continue Reading: “That’s not my domain!” Whose problem is brand protection?
5 key things to know about modern brand abuse
Sometimes referred to as “brand exploitation” or “brandjacking”, brand abuse can come in many forms. But, ultimately the term describes the infringement of a company’s brand by an outside party or attacker. This party will use your business’ reputation for its own gain, at the expense of your brand equity…Continue Reading: 5 key things to know about modern brand abuse
3 ways your organization is open to brand abuse right now
The larger the digital footprint a brand has, the larger an attack surface it has for brand abuse.
Here are 3 ways that your organization may be open to online brand abuse right now…Continue Reading: 3 ways your organization is open to brand abuse right now