Category: Brand Protection

Brand Protection

What is online brand protection? How to protect your brand

Red Sift

In its simplest terms, online brand protection encompasses all the strategies, tools, and rules established in a business to prevent cybercriminals from abusing your brand in any way...Continue Reading: What is online brand protection? How to protect your brand

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Brand Protection

How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

Red Sift

Security experts need reports of continuous asset discovery over a specific attack surface to mitigate cyber risks. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerable assets using attack vectors. This blog discusses the connection between these two terms that are mistakenly used interchangeably...Continue Reading: How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

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Brand Protection

What is Typosquatting? Everything you need to know and how to prevent…

Faisal Misle

A social engineering tactic that targets internet users who unintentionally type incorrect URLs into their web browsers, we discuss how best to protect against the threat...Continue Reading: What is Typosquatting? Everything you need to know and how to prevent it

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Brand Protection

Everything you need to know about security audits: protecting your business and…

Red Sift

Network security audits are regular and scheduled checks conducted to assess a business’s IT systems. Here's everything you need to know about them. ...Continue Reading: Everything you need to know about security audits: protecting your business and brand

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Brand Protection

What is Network Security and how does it help with Brand Protection?

Red Sift

The digital age has ushered in an era of immense connectivity between brands and consumers. But unfortunately, the mediums that allow businesses to be more streamlined and accessible – the internet, cloud-sharing platforms, and remote-access networks – are vulnerable to hacking and other cyberattacks. ...Continue Reading: What is Network Security and how does it help…

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Brand Protection

Brand abuse: prevention over cure?

Sophia Martin

Recently, we’ve seen a lot of brands with damaged reputations attempting to rebuild their image. Apologies are issued, responsibility is taken, and promises are made to do better. But wouldn’t it be better for everyone if the trust was never broken in the first place?...Continue Reading: Brand abuse: prevention over cure?

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