
Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem

Just as it seems we’re getting a handle on soaring levels of spam emails a key tool is changed for the worse By the end of Q3 this year, just under 60% of email was deemed spam. That’s almost two in every three emails being a nuisance, or potentially dangerous to global email users. Businesses really…Continue Reading: Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem

Another trophy for the Red Sift cabinet!

Red Sift’s OnDMARC wins Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year at the 2017 Computing Security Awards. We’re delighted that Red Sift’s OnDMARC was named the Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year at the 2017 Computing Security Awards. It’s been a year since the Red Sift team first realized there was a pressing need to democratize the technology essential…Continue Reading: Another trophy for the Red Sift cabinet!