When it comes to cyber security a have-a-go attitude can lead to more than just a burst pipe What’s in your cyber security toolkit? I’m pretty darn good at DIY, even if I say so myself. I think my ginormous IKEA PAX wardrobe stands testament to that, along with my immaculately glossed front door and wonderfully tiled…Continue Reading: Should you ever DIY cyber security?
Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem
Just as it seems we’re getting a handle on soaring levels of spam emails a key tool is changed for the worse By the end of Q3 this year, just under 60% of email was deemed spam. That’s almost two in every three emails being a nuisance, or potentially dangerous to global email users. Businesses really…Continue Reading: Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem
Are your Black Friday emails going straight to spam?
Black Friday is one of the busiest times of the year for businesses all around the world. But with inbox providers waging war on spam, how do you avoid ending up in the junk folder?…Continue Reading: Are your Black Friday emails going straight to spam?
How to streamline your DMARC decisions
Here’s how you can streamline your DMARC buying decisions, while making sure you’re making the best choice for your business needs…Continue Reading: How to streamline your DMARC decisions
How to know if you ‘have’ DMARC
DMARC is a widely supported, standards-based approach to email security. However, that statement can often cause confusion as it suggests that organizations just get it by default. In this post, we look at what it really means to ‘have’ DMARC…Continue Reading: How to know if you ‘have’ DMARC
Another trophy for the Red Sift cabinet!
Red Sift’s OnDMARC wins Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year at the 2017 Computing Security Awards. We’re delighted that Red Sift’s OnDMARC was named the Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year at the 2017 Computing Security Awards. It’s been a year since the Red Sift team first realized there was a pressing need to democratize the technology essential…Continue Reading: Another trophy for the Red Sift cabinet!