Archives for 2017

Mailsploit: is there a problem with DMARC?

Sensationalist articles recently posted in a number of media outlets claim DMARC can be bypassed due to shortcomings in the way that email clients handle the ‘from’ header. However, after examining the evidence given we’d argue that it’s not a DMARC shortcoming, rather a matter of poor implementation by email clients…Continue Reading: Mailsploit: is there a problem with DMARC?

Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem

Just as it seems we’re getting a handle on soaring levels of spam emails a key tool is changed for the worse By the end of Q3 this year, just under 60% of email was deemed spam. That’s almost two in every three emails being a nuisance, or potentially dangerous to global email users. Businesses really…Continue Reading: Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem