email security

Enjoy Red Sift brand protection and email security solutions when you use Microsoft Azure

We’re excited to announce that we’ve aligned our Integrated Email Security and Brand Protection Platform with Microsoft Azure. This means that the solutions that make up our platform (OnDMARC, OnINBOX, OnDOMAIN) are now hosted in Microsoft Azure environments in the European Union and the United States. …Continue Reading: Enjoy Red Sift brand protection and email security solutions when you use Microsoft Azure

7 reasons why healthcare and pharmaceuticals providers are susceptible to ransomware and data loss

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals are two industries relentlessly targeted by cybercriminals. And to rub salt in the wound, cyberattacks on these industries are also the most expensive. But what makes these industries so appealing to hackers, attackers, and cybercriminals to begin with? …Continue Reading: 7 reasons why healthcare and pharmaceuticals providers are susceptible to ransomware and data loss