Category: Deliverability


Taking one step forward and two steps back with the spam problem

Clare Holmes

Just as it seems we’re getting a handle on soaring levels of spam emails a key tool is changed for the worse By the end of Q3 this year, just under 60% of email was deemed spam. That’s almost two in every three emails being a nuisance, or potentially dangerous to global email users. Businesses…

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Are your Black Friday emails going straight to spam?

Clare Holmes

Black Friday is one of the busiest times of the year for businesses all around the world. But with inbox providers waging war on spam, how do you avoid ending up in the junk folder?...Continue Reading: Are your Black Friday emails going straight to spam?

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How DMARC can help banks win back trust

Clare Holmes

Financial services firms have genuinely embraced the digital age  -  just look at internet and mobile banking. So why are some banks still failing to address the email authenticity and deliverability issue that still plagues them across the entire web?...Continue Reading: How DMARC can help banks win back trust

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5 reasons why marketers need DMARC

Red Sift

Whereas DMARC is a vital measure for email security, it's important businesses realize the marketing benefits of the email authentication protocol too. It can increase your deliverability, open rates, improve your inbox placement, and benefit the ROI on your email marketing  overall...Continue Reading: 5 reasons why marketers need DMARC

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