Category: CTEM


What are digital assets and how to stop them from being exploited?

Red Sift

IT-driven companies must be aware of their critical digital assets and perform continuous asset discovery exercises to stay protected against attacks such as phishing and malware...Continue Reading: What are digital assets and how to stop them from being exploited?

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What is Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) and why should you care?

Red Sift

CTEM is a strategic approach to cybersecurity that incorporates constant, real-time monitoring and management of an organization's vulnerability to threats. It is a kind of security technique that seeks potential flaws and threats before hackers can exploit them, rather than relying solely on reactive measures like firewalls and antivirus software...Continue Reading: What is Continuous…

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Brand Protection

How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

Red Sift

Security experts need reports of continuous asset discovery over a specific attack surface to mitigate cyber risks. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerable assets using attack vectors. This blog discusses the connection between these two terms that are mistakenly used interchangeably...Continue Reading: How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

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