Category: Labs


Rust, meet q

Rahul Powar

We leverage the elegance of kdb+ and the power of Rust to create data applications that can process data at the rate of tens of GB/second on consumer grade hardware. At Red Sift, we use our platform to power next-generation data applications for cybersecurity. At a high level, our platform is one of those…

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From chatbots to ChatOps: how far have we come?

Clare Holmes

In 2021, chatbots have a strong presence in our lives, and it's time for a short trip down memory lane to remember all those who have gone before...Continue Reading: From chatbots to ChatOps: how far have we come?

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Rebuilding full text search in Go for our serverless environment

Chirstos Vontas

Google released 1.9 and we at Red Sift celebrated with Russian pies. When we got back to the keyboard, we could finally finish up something pretty special  - Golang is now available on our server-less compute platform, Red Sift, and it is a game-changer...Continue Reading: Rebuilding full text search in Go for our serverless…

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