Category: Email


3 lesser-known ways to get more ROI from your email marketing

Sabrina Evans

At Red Sift, we believe there’s more to email ROI than meets the eye. Here are 3 lesser known ways to get more return on investment from your email marketing. ...Continue Reading: 3 lesser-known ways to get more ROI from your email marketing

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The Hefty Price Tag for Email Insecurity in Retail

Sabrina Evans

From promotions and loyalty points to invoices and tracking, email underpins the vital network of communication between shopper and seller. And it isn’t going anywhere...Continue Reading: The Hefty Price Tag for Email Insecurity in Retail

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Exact impersonation isn’t an unsolvable problem: 5 takeaways from our chat with…

Sabrina Evans

In a recent podcast, we spoke with the CISO of the World Health Organization Flavio Aggio, and our CEO Rahul Powar about the state of email security at the moment. ...Continue Reading: Exact impersonation isn’t an unsolvable problem: 5 takeaways from our chat with WHO

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Don’t get caught making this SPF mistake

Nadim Lahoud

SPF is extremely important for sending organizations to get right, but it is equally easy to get wrong because of the strict specification of the protocol and the increasing complexity of cloud sending infrastructure...Continue Reading: Don’t get caught making this SPF mistake

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Does email security translate to market value?

Nadim Lahoud

There’s been a lot of attention focused on the public markets lately, so I spent a bit of time looking at how our customers have performed vs. the broader equity market since the pandemic began. The results are quite interesting. The chart below shows a market-cap weighted index of Red Sift’s 25 largest listed…

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Brand protection and BEC attacks of 2021

Leo Do Carmo

The year started like 2020 did not end. Living in lockdown has proven to be fairly difficult for all of us and the cybercriminals are out there making it even worse. They are busy taking advantage of organizations trying to configure their journey to digital transformation, cloud adoption and remote working. By combining the…

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