Category: Cybersecurity

Brand Protection

How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

Red Sift

Security experts need reports of continuous asset discovery over a specific attack surface to mitigate cyber risks. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerable assets using attack vectors. This blog discusses the connection between these two terms that are mistakenly used interchangeably...Continue Reading: How are attack vectors and attack surfaces related?

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What is an Attack Surface? Understanding Attack Surface Management (ASM) and Monitoring

Red Sift

Attack Surface Management or ASM is an emerging priority for IT-driven businesses aiming to complement their existing security testing and monitoring. It’s the process of continuous asset discovery, inventory, classification, and monitoring of a company’s technical architecture...Continue Reading: What is an Attack Surface? Understanding Attack Surface Management (ASM) and Monitoring

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The Data Must Flow (Part 2)

Sean Costigan

We take a serious look at new privacy regulations, data frameworks, and the return on investment for cybersecurity compliance...Continue Reading: The Data Must Flow (Part 2)

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The data must flow (Part 1)

Sean Costigan

Today, cybersecurity concerns touch most every aspect of business operations as companies and governments have deployed substantial digital assets and vulnerabilities abound...Continue Reading: The data must flow (Part 1)

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Cybersecurity: from Cost Center to Strategic Investment

Sean Costigan

When it comes to dealing with risk, cybersecurity insurance can’t do it alone with now evolving sets of best practices that executives must engage with...Continue Reading: Cybersecurity: from Cost Center to Strategic Investment

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How can CIOs stay ahead of bad actors in 2023?

Sabrina Evans

The attitude is fast shifting from security to building resilience, as businesses zero in on prevention, response, and recovery...Continue Reading: How can CIOs stay ahead of bad actors in 2023?

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