Award: Red Sift wins at British Legal Technology Awards 2020

Red Sift were delighted to be named ‘IT Security Provider of the Year’ at this year’s British Legal Technology Awards.

‘The IT Security Provider of the Year Award’ awards the IT Security provider which demonstrates unprecedented knowledge, advancement and solution implementation, whilst delivering excellent client service and a complete security offering that is at the forefront of IT security within the legal sector.

Red Sift were early to the market in identifying an issue that is one of the root causes of many of our security issues – confirming identity, and in time to stay ahead of the inevitable enforcement by government bodies and major financial institutions.

They provided an excellent productisation of the service to simplify a complicated and arduous task and permit internal IT teams to be able to self-help; avoiding a lot of consultancy and building greater ownership of the issue.

The judges are looking forward to seeing new standards such as BIMI implemented in the near future.


Harry Stephens

17 Nov. 2020



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