Category: Email


How to know if you ‘have’ DMARC

Rahul Powar

DMARC is a widely supported, standards-based approach to email security. However, that statement can often cause confusion as it suggests that organizations just get it by default. In this post, we look at what it really means to 'have' DMARC...Continue Reading: How to know if you ‘have’ DMARC

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The internet is 50 years old but email scams are still rife

Red Sift

While email turned 50 years old in November 2021, it wasn't until the commercialization of the internet in the mid-90s that it truly took off as one of the world’s preeminent communications tools. Unfortunately, its rise also spawned meteoric misuse as unscrupulous scammers began peddling unwanted products, bogus deals, and even computer viruses to…

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How DMARC can help banks win back trust

Clare Holmes

Financial services firms have genuinely embraced the digital age  -  just look at internet and mobile banking. So why are some banks still failing to address the email authenticity and deliverability issue that still plagues them across the entire web?...Continue Reading: How DMARC can help banks win back trust

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Protecting Charities with DMARC

Red Sift

A simple way for charities to protect themselves from exact domain impersonation and fraud is by implementing a strong DMARC policy. DMARC is an email security protocol that when implemented at p=reject protects your domain from being impersonated by cybercriminals and used in some of the most advanced phishing attacks. ...Continue Reading: Protecting Charities…

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Without DMARC, email is the Achilles Heel of cybersecurity

Rahul Powar

Lack of protection from exact impersonation is a hole in the way the global email infrastructure works, exposing every business to cybercriminals. DMARC is the security protocol that secures your email, protects your clients, and improves the deliverability of every email you send...Continue Reading: Without DMARC, email is the Achilles Heel of cybersecurity

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5 reasons why marketers need DMARC

Red Sift

Whereas DMARC is a vital measure for email security, it's important businesses realize the marketing benefits of the email authentication protocol too. It can increase your deliverability, open rates, improve your inbox placement, and benefit the ROI on your email marketing  overall...Continue Reading: 5 reasons why marketers need DMARC

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